Silent Arrow® is a product line of attritable (single-use) autonomous unmanned aircraft developed for the U.S. Department of Defense to conduct resupply missions when overland delivery is infeasible or undesirable.
The GD-2000 can provide up to a 36 nautical mile standoff distance for the delivery aircraft at a competitive cost to JPADS, while carrying over 1,500 lbs.
Silent Arrow® can be deployed from the C-5, C-17, C-130, V-22, and other cargo aircraft platforms and additionally can be carried via slingload from the CH-53 and other rotorcraft platforms. Up to 80 Silent Arrows can fit into a 40-foot container for transport to the theater of operations, and up to 20 can fit onto a C-130 for multiple drop missions.
Our products are available in five platforms:
The world’s first standoff resupply platform to enter mass production, capable of quickly and inexpensively delivering over 1,500 lbs. of cargo through contested spaces with GPS accuracy.
The next generation of Silent Arrow, the Silent Arrow Widebody offers a precision guided cargo delivery system that is 60% larger than the standard GD-2000 and carries over 2,000 pounds of cargo, fuel or other autonomous air or ground vehicles in a patented, single-use airframe.
The SA-PGB (Silent Arrow Precision Guided Bundle) is a side-door deployable capability that delivers 350 pounds of cargo from 45,000 feet where near overflight of the LZ is possible, thus the lower glide range requirement. The loadout area is roughly the same as a 55-gal drum.
The Silent Arrow Contested Logistics System – 200NM Range is long-range version of Silent Arrow® that enables multiple-use operations and ground-based take-off and recovery from improvised airfields as well as air drop. The modular payload section can be configured for Cargo Missions, Electronic Warfare, Land & Float, Land & Sink or to carry 4 Common Launch Tubes (CLTs).
The Silent Arrow Contested Logistics System – 300/500NM range is an ultra-long-range version of Silent Arrow® that enables multiple-use operations from a variety of air drop platforms. The modular payload section can be configured for Cargo Missions, Electronic Warfare, Land & Float, Land & Sink or to carry 6 Common Launch Tubes (CLTs). The aircraft is designed to carry a cargo load of 1,000 lbs. over 3000NM or 850 lbs. over 500NM and loiter.
Silent Arrow® Assembly and Drop Test